Meet Leah Kral.

Canvas Rebel Magazine Interview, February 2023.


Canvas Rebel Magazine Interview, February 2023. We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Leah Kral a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Any advice for managing a team? Every time I provide a webinar or consult with a nonprofit team, I make a point to ask them, what gets in the way of workplace innovation? And I hear responses such as the fog of good intentions, in the world of philanthropy, it isn’t always clear how to solve problems. Burnout – we can be spread too thin or pulled in too many directions. Bureaucracy. There are also obstacles inside of us, like fear to speak up, or deciding to keep our head down and stay in our own lane. If we don’t pay attention to these obstacles to innovation, entrepreneurial staff will take their time and talents elsewhere.

Read the interview here: